2012/09-2017/06,美国肯塔基大学,机械工程系,博士,导师:Sean Bailey
2009/09-2012/06, 中南大学,热能与动力工程系,硕士,导师:孙志强
主要研究方向是计算流体力学,计算传热学。回溯性自适应湍流模型研究,数据驱动型计算流体力学,基于机器学习的湍流数值模型;多孔介质与可压缩湍流数值模型开发,流致噪声大规模并行计算;旋转机械流固耦合计算和叶片表面应力分析;浸没边界法湍流边界层建模与求解;目前主持国家自然科学基金1项、广东省分布式能源系统重点实验室重点领域项目1项;已发表SCI检索论文10余篇,并担任physics of fluids和Aerospace Science and Technology多个期刊审稿人。
(1) Zhiyong Li, Tingting Tang T, Liu Yu, Arcondoulis EJG, Yang Y. (2020) Numerical study of aerodynamic and aeroacoustic characteristics of flow over porous coated cylinders: Effects of porous properties. Aerospace Science and Technology. (中科院一区)
(2) Zhiyong Li, Tingting Tang, Yu Liu, Elias JG Arcondoulis, and Yannian Yang. "Implementation of compressible porous-fluid coupling method in an aerodynamics and aeroacoustics code–Part II: Turbulent flow." Applied Mathematics and Computation 373 (2020): 124988.(中科院一区)
(3) Wen, Kaibin, Elias JG Arcondoulis, Zhiyong Li, and Yu Liu. "Structure resolved simulations of flow around porous coated cylinders based on a simplified pore-scale model." Aerospace Science and Technology 119 (2021): 107181.(中科院一区,本人指导本科生发表)
(4) Tang, Tingting, Zhiyong Li, Shimin Yu, Jianhui Li, and Peng Yu. "Opposing-buoyancy mixed convection through and around arrays of heated cylinders." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 949 (2022): A8.(共同一作,本领域顶刊)
(5) Liu, Zhiyuan, Zhiyong Li, Yuan Zhang, Yidian Zhang, and Ben Zhao. "Thermodynamic analysis of using chemical-looping combustion in Allam-Z cycle instead of common combustion." Energy Conversion and Management 254 (2022): 115229.(中科院一区)
(6) Zhiyong Li, Huaibao Zhang, Yu Liu, and James M. McDonough. "Implementation of compressible porous–fluid coupling method in an aerodynamics and aeroacoustics code part I: Laminar flow." Applied Mathematics and Computation 364 (2020): 124682.(中科院一区)
(7) Zhiyong Li, Jesse B. Hoagg, Alexandre Martin, and Sean C.C. Bailey. "Retrospective cost adaptive Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes k–ω model for data-driven unsteady turbulent simulations." Journal of Computational Physics 357 (2018): 353-374.(中科院二区,本领域顶刊)
(8) Zhiyong Li, Huaibao Zhang, Sean C.C. Bailey, Jesse B. Hoagg, Alexandre Martin, A data-driven adaptive Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes k–ω model for turbulent flow, In Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 345, 2017, Pages 111-131, ISSN 0021-9991.(中科院二区,本领域顶刊)
(9) Yang, Y., Liu, Y., Hu, H., Liu, X., Wang, Y., Arcondoulis, E. J., & Li, Z. (2020). Experimental study on noise reduction of a wavy multi-copter rotor. Applied Acoustics, 165, 107311.(JCR 二区)
(10) Arcondoulis, Elias JG, Yu Liu, Zhiyong Li, Yannian Yang, and Yong Wang. "Structured Porous Material Design for Passive Flow and Noise Control of Cylinders in Uniform Flow." Materials 12, no. 18 (2019): 2905. (JCR 二区)
(1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,跨音速流与多孔介质流耦合模型及其自适应优化算法研究,2023/01-2025/12,30万,主持,在研
(2) 横向课题,浸没边界法湍流边界层算法,2022/10-2023/10,10万,主持,在研
(3) 横向课题,离心压气机数值模拟与流场分析,2021/07-2022-07,16.4万,主持,已结题
(4) Kentucky Science and Engineering Research and Development Excellence program, grant number KSEF-3396-RDE-0181, 2013/07-2016/12,参加
(5) NASA Kentucky EPSCoR Award, NNX10AV39A, 2016/07-2017/07,参加
1. 2020-广东省本科高校课程思政优秀案例-能源与动力工程专业英语中的课程思政